Psychological Testing & Measurement |Theory Applied Psychology Quiz

1. The scientific measurement or the objective quantification of psychological constructs is called
A. Psychological testing
B. Assessment
C. Measurement
D. evaluation
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A. Psychological testing
2. Which one of the following aid in making decisions about an individual.
A. Psychological testing
B. Assessment
C. Measurement
D. evaluation
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A. Psychological testing 
3. Which one of the following ensures the validity of research and establishes psychology as an objective science.
A. Psychological testing
B. Psychometrics
C. Psychological measurement
D. Psychological assessment
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B. Psychometrics
4. Who told that the psychological test only represent the best, fairest and most economical method of obtaining information.
A. Galton& Darwin
B. Wechsler& Binet
C. Otis and Stanford
D. Wigdor& Garner
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D. Wigdor& Garner
5. Which one of the following reduces variability between subjects due to extraneous variables.
A. Objectivity
B. Standardization
C. sample of behaviour
D. reliability
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B. Standardization
6. Which one of the following has no right or wrong answer.
A. Psychological test
B. Assessment
C. Measurement
D. evaluation
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A. Psychological test
7. Which one of the following is only a representative sample of the measured behaviour.
A. Objectivity
B. Standardization
C. Sample of behaviour
D. Psychological tests
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C. Sample of behaviour
8. Which one of the following term basically means consistency
A. Personality
B. Reliability
C. Validity
D. Norms
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B. Reliability
9. Which one of the following has an objective to measure the magnitude of some psychological trait.
A. Psychological test
B. Assessment
C. Measurement
D. evaluation
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A. Psychological test
10. Which one of the following reflect the strength or absence of some psychological trait in an individual.
A. Psychological test
B. Assessment
C. Measurement
D. evaluation
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B. Assessment
11. Which one of the following is interested in how the individual process information.
A. Psychological test
B. Assessment
C. Measurement
D. Evaluation
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B. Assessment
12. A precise procedure that is designed to analyze the raw data to enable us to draw inferences and conclusions is called.
A. Testing
B. Scores
C. Statistics
D. Analysis
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C. Statistics
13. Which one of the following is used as a tool to make judgments under certainty.
A. Testing
B. Scores
C. Statistics
D. Analysis
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C. Statistics
14. Which one of the following includes all the vocabularies and symbols that are used for communicating information about data.
A. Testing
B. Scores
C. Statistics
D. Analysis
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C. Statistics
15. Psychologists use how many kinds of statistics for communicating information.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. all
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A. 2
16. Which one of the following statistics give a general picture of the scores in a given group.
A. Descriptive
B. Mixed
C. Qualitative
D. Inferential
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A. Descriptive
17. Which one of the following involves mean, median and mode.
A. Central tendency
B. Variability
C. Correlation
D. dispersion
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A. Central tendency
18. The first step in developing a psychological test is to specify the of a test.
A. Sample
B. Norms
C. Questionnaires
D. Objective
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D. Objective
19. The purpose of the test ought to be guided by an explicit or implicit that links the test and the construct that is being measured.
A. Sample
B. Hypothesis
C. Theory
D. law
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C. Theory
20. Which one of the following is the correct sequence in defining test conceptualization.
A. Attribute/objective/literature review/sample
B. Objective /attribute/sample/literature review
C. Sample/attribute/literature review/objective
D. Literature review/sample/attribute/objective
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B. Objective /attribute/sample/literature review
21. Which one of the following is designed to identify related research and to set the current testing project within a conceptual and theoretical concept.
A. Attribute
B. literature review
C. articles
D. journals
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B. literature review
22. Which one of the following assures the inclusion of all the major relevant constructs in the test.
A. Theory
B. Literature review
C. Journals
D. Articles
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B. Literature review
23. Which one of the following specifies the psychological construct being measured and its conceptual and operational definitions.
A. Test purpose
B. Content domain
C. Test format
D. Item distribution
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B. Content domain
24. Which one of the following specifies the intended use of the test.
A. Item distribution
B. Content domain
C. Test purpose
D. Target population
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C. Test purpose
25. Which one of the following specifies the pertinent characteristics of the target population.
A. Target population
B. Content domain
C. Item distribution
D. Test purpose
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A. Target population
26. Which one of the following specifies the instrument, technique, directness, response format, item type, number of examinees and test device.
A. Test length
B. Item distribution
C. Test format
D. Test purpose
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C. Test format
27. Which one of the following specifies the time limits and/or number of items.
A. Test format
B. Test purpose
C. Test length
D. Item distribution
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C. Test length
28. Which one of the following specifies the number of items or weights of scores assigned to different components of the test.
A. Item distribution
B. Test format
C. Test purpose
D. Test length
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A. Item distribution
29. The test construction process begins with the development of an.
A. Item writing
B. Item pool
C. Item formats
D. Item analysis
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B. Item pool
30. Which one of the following are the basic building blocks of a test.
A. Test format
B. Test items
C. Test administration
D. Standardization
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B. Test items
31. Standardized tests are the test classified according to the.
A. Scoring
B. what is measured
C. Application of results
D. administration
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D. administration
32. Items which conveys two or more ideas at the same time are called Items.
A. Multiple meaning carrier
B. double barreled
C. acquiescence response set
D. meaningless
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B. double barreled
33. According to which one of the following participants would be likely to agree with most items.
A. Ambiguous
B. double barreled
C. acquiescence response set
D. response set
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C. acquiescence response set
34. Mixing positively and negatively worded items is one of the attempt to avoid.
A. Double barreled
B. acquiescence response set
C. multiple meaning carrier
D. all
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B. acquiescence response set
35. When the field of psychological testing evolved into its second phase, the focus of  shifted to prediction.
A. Reliability
B. Sampling
C. Standardization
D. validity
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D. validity
36. As the field of psychological testing evolved, the major focus was on of an individual.
A. Interest
B. Personality
C. Intelligence
D. achievement
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D. achievement
37. According to Chronbach and Meehl, which one of the following is some postulated attributes of people, assumed to be reflected in test performance.
A. Personality
B. individual differences
C. Construct
D. aptitude
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C. Construct
38. In test validation, the attribute about which we make statements in interpreting a test is.
A. Personality
B. individual differences
C. Construct
D. aptitude
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C. Construct
39. Who referred to the types of validity as three different methods of enquiry rather than three types of validity.
A. Meehl
B. Anastasi
C. Chronbach
D. Urbina
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C. Chronbach
40. Content-related validation approaches basically require the systematic assessment of the test.
A. Content
B. Construct
C. Sample
D. norms
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A. Content
41. Any psychological test is an organized from a particular domain of behaviors.
A. Content
B. Construct
C. Sample
D. norms
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C. Sample
42. A test score is applicable for its intended use when all items in the test are within the domains of items.
A. Interest
B. Personality
C. Intelligence
D. achievement
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A. Interest
43. Care should also be taken not to over generalize about the domain that is being.
A. Standardized
B. constructed
C. sampled
D. norms
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C. sampled 
44. The judgmental process to establish content validity can be both.
A. True/informal
B. informal/satisfactory
C. formal/informal
D. true/satisfactory
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C. formal/informal
45. Failure to capture important parts of the construct is called.
A. Construct under representation
B. construct irrelevant variance
C. construct related correlation
D. construct under description
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A. Construct under representation       
46. The results when factors that are irrelevant to the construct influence test scores.
A. Construct under representation
B. construct irrelevant variance
C. construct related correlation
D. construct under description
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B. construct irrelevant variance 
47. It has been suggested that reliability levels in the range of are good enough for most purposes of basic research.
A. 0.50/0.80
B. 0.60/0.50
C. 0.70/0.80
D. 0.90/0.95
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C. 0.70/0.80
48. If there are no differences between individuals taking a test, it is difficult to develop a measure.
A. Standardized
B. valid
C. reliable
D. all
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C. reliable 
49. Reliability of a psychological measurement would be effected by the extent of in the characteristics of individuals taking a test.
A. Sampling
B. individual differences
C. validity
D. stability
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B. individual differences
50. Personality and attitude scales which might have multiple responses would fall into which one of the following category.
A. Split-half
B. equivalent form
C. internal consistency
D. test-retest
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C. internal consistency
51. The main difference between the split-half and internal consistency methods is a difference in the.
A. Splitting the items
B. unit of analysis
C. chronbach alpha
D. administration
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B. unit of analysis 
52. Which one of the following method estimates to compare each item to every other item.
A. Split-half
B. equivalent form
C. internal consistency
D. test-retest
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C. internal consistency 
53. Which one of the following method compares one half of the test to the other.
A. Split-half
B. equivalent form
C. internal consistency
D. test-retest
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A. Split-half 
54. A statistical value or number that is representative of a group is called.
A. Central tendency
B. standard deviation
C. norm
D. sample
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C. norm
55. A measure of central tendency or a range of value around the measure, usually 1 or 2 standard deviation is taken as.
A. Score
B. Norm
C. mean
D. Mode
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B. Norm
56. The scores obtained by an individual can be compared to only the scores of an appropriate.
A. Population group
B. sample group
C. Normative group
D. All
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C. Normative group
57. The performance by defined groups of individuals on particular tests are referred as.
A. Score
B. Norm
C. Mean
D. Mode
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B. Norm
58. Which one of the following are methods of expressing norms.
A. Z-scores
B. Means
C. percentiles
D. All
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D. All
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