What is Behavioral Psychology, Example and Concepts

Introduction to Behavioral Psychology

Behavioral psychology, also known as behaviorism, looks at human behavior, why people act the way they do, and how we can change that behavior to improve people’s lives. This school of thought explores the ways our environment (and others) affect us, how we can overcome obstacles, what our values are and how we can change them, and more.

This guide will introduce you to some of the main concepts in behavioral psychology so you have a clearer understanding of what behavioral psychology is about and how it can help you better understand yourself and the others around you.

What is behavioral psychology?

Behavioral psychology studies human behavior. This can be done by looking at the cognitive processes of people (cognitive psychology) or how their brains work (behavioral neuroscience). It can also involve studying how behaviors manifest themselves after a stimulus. John Watson, often called the father of behavioral psychology, famously studied classical conditioning with his young lab assistant, Rosalie Rayner.

  • 1) Classical conditioning involves pairing two stimuli together so that one causes the other to happen involuntarily. For example, if a light switch were turned on when an animal was given food for a few days, then it would salivate when it saw the light switch.
  • 2) Cognitive behavioral therapy is an evidence-based treatment for depression and anxiety where the therapist helps the patient find different ways of thinking about problems.
  • 3) Clinical psychologists are medical doctors who study psychology as well as neurology to better understand brain function and cognitive skills.

Operant conditioning

Behavioral psychology is an area of psychology that specializes in studying human behavior. One of the key concepts of behavioral psychology is operant conditioning, which follows the premise that if a person behaves in a certain way they will receive a certain consequence.

Examples of operant conditioning include when someone wants to get another person’s attention and starts waving their arms or when someone wants to get a dog’s attention by giving it food.

Stimulus response (think Pavlov’s dogs)

Behavioral psychology can be defined as the study of how people relate to their environment, other people, and themselves. Some key concepts include stimulus-response, cognitive behavioral therapy, and behavioral neuroscience. John B. Watson was one of the first psychologists to use behavioral psychology in his work with animals. He conducted an experiment where he would ring a bell before feeding the dog some food.

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The dog soon started associating the sound of the bell with being fed, so they would start salivating when they heard it. Eventually, the sound of the bell alone could make them salivate even without any food present. In human beings, this is called operant conditioning. One common behavioral psychology example is using reinforcement (giving positive feedback) to reward desired behavior so that it becomes more frequent over time.

What is Behavioral Psychology and What are the 9 best Key Concepts?
Behavioral Psychology

Classical conditioning

Behavioral psychology examines the behavioral response to stimuli. The key concepts of behaviorism include classical conditioning, operant conditioning, respondent conditioning, and social learning theory.

John B. Watson was a psychologist who helped to pioneer the field of behaviorism during the 1920s with his study on Little Albert in which he observed that an emotional response to a stimulus could be conditioned.

Association learning

Behavioral psychology focuses on learning in a very different way than cognitive psychology. Rather than looking at how people learn to make sense of their world, behavioral psychology looks at the ways that people learn to behave. One of the best examples of this type of learning is association, which has been studied extensively by John B Watson in his work with Little Albert.

Cognitive behavior therapy

Behavioral psychology examples include John B Watson’s experiments with Little Albert and the Little Albert effect. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of behavioral psychotherapy which involves altering an individual’s thought processes to change their behavior.

Cognitive behavior therapy has been shown to be effective in treating many mental health disorders such as depression, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, and specific phobias. One method for CBT treatment is for patients to identify irrational thoughts that cause negative emotions or behaviors.

After this identification process, patients will use techniques such as cognitive restructuring or rational emotive behavior therapy to help them identify and correct distorted thinking patterns.

What is the main goal of gestalt therapy?

The main goal of gestalt therapy is to create a safe space for the client. Gestalt therapists also take into consideration how past trauma can affect current behavior. Gestalt therapists often use metaphors, drawing on examples from nature or human culture to help their clients make connections between their emotional responses and the people around them.

One such example is using shadows as an analogy: just as shadows can’t exist without something that casts it, emotional responses cannot exist without a situation that triggers them.

Neuro Linguistic Programming

NLP was designed to change the way people think, feel, and behave. It can be used as a therapeutic technique or a form of communication. One of the most common techniques in NLP is mirroring, which involves carefully watching how someone moves their body (facial expressions, gestures) and then copying them.

This helps establish trust between two people (or an individual and themselves). You can also use NLP to achieve your goals by changing your language patterns or the way you visualize events happening.

aggression in psychology

Aggression is a natural survival instinct that can be triggered by any number of factors. When it’s in defense, fear-related aggression can be an adaptive response to impending danger. However, when violence or other harmful behaviors such as bullying or abuse result from these reactions, it may no longer be adaptive. There are many theories about the underlying causes of aggressive behavior; some posit that social norms play a large role while others focus on biological factors.

biological psychologist

Behavioral psychology studies the way people behave in a given situation. It examines what these behaviors mean to the individual, such as their thoughts and feelings. This branch of psychology aims to understand human behavior by studying the actions, reactions, responses, and interactions that humans have with one another on a daily basis.

Behavioral psychologists try to understand why people act in certain ways by examining how they process information internally. They also study how external factors can influence someone’s behavior through different means such as reward systems or punishments. Through understanding these concepts about human nature, behavioral psychologists hope to better understand people so that they can find ways to help them live happier lives.

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1 year ago

Thank you and very helpful

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